Clean Architecture

Clean architecture is a software design pattern that aims to promote maintainability and flexibility by separating business logic from implementation details. The basic idea behind Clean architecture is that the most important part of an application is the business logic, and this should be isolated and protected from external influences such as frameworks, libraries, or technology choices.

In a Clean architecture, the application is divided into concentric circles, each representing a different level of abstraction. The innermost circle represents the business logic or the domain model, which contains the entities, use cases, and business rules of the application. This layer should not depend on any external frameworks or libraries and should be easily testable.

The next circle represents the application layer, which contains the use cases or application-specific business rules. This layer depends on the domain layer but is independent of external frameworks or libraries. The application layer also contains the interfaces that the domain layer uses to interact with the outside world.

The outermost circle represents the infrastructure layer, which contains the implementation details such as frameworks, databases, or external libraries. This layer depends on both the domain and application layers, but the inner layers should not depend on it. The infrastructure layer should be easily replaceable, allowing you to switch to different technologies or frameworks without affecting the business logic.

The main benefit of Clean architecture is that it promotes maintainability by creating a clear separation of concerns and reducing the coupling between the different parts of the application. This makes it easier to modify or extend the application without affecting the overall architecture. Clean architecture also promotes testability by making it easier to write automated tests for the business logic and use cases.